The Gravity of Ego

Our ego has gravity; it can pull and hold us to maintain certain behaviors. The longer we have behaved a certain way, the stronger the pull of that behavior.

Our behaviors are based on our beliefs. Often, our beliefs are rooted in trauma; they also arise from what we learn from society. These beliefs are deeply embedded in our psyche.

The gravity of ego is most apparent when we are trying to embody a new way of being.

As we aim to change something about ourselves, we somehow still end up reacting as we did before—like our old self is still our default attitude. Simply put, it is challenging to become a better version of ourselves. Also, because of our effort to try and act in a new way, we are keenly aware when we fail at our attempt. We then judge ourselves for not healing and changing fast enough.

In the practice of Unification, we ground ego to our Divine Self consciousness to support our effort at changing our beliefs and behaviors. Here, the gravity of ego is no match for the strength of God.

By bringing our Divine Self forward, we anchor our ego to the light and wisdom of God which has the effect of making us stronger and more resolute. It also brings our concerns to the present which helps to see the situation more clearly, and with less attachment and judgement. In contrast, when the solitary ego tries to improve itself, it has the tendency to waiver—being ungrounded, the ego cannot stand firm. The ego is likely to revert back to its old existence because it is trained to measure its circumstances by the results of its past.

In unifying with our God consciousness, we are strengthened, emboldened, and made capable to hold our transformations. In this way, the gravity of ego is lessened and we feel the freedom to change.

The gravity of ego is a teaching tool.

It appears to show us where we need to put our attention. It is there to remind us of our yet unhealed wounds. It is also a marker of our humanity and thus should not be overlooked. Instead, when the gravity of ego pulls you in, surrender, and ask God, as your Divine Self consciousness, “What can I do to make peace with this? How can I love, forgive, and accept myself as I am?” Then, allow yourself to be guided by God.

Just as the gravity of the earth is essential, the gravity of ego is important. When the pull to be our old self makes an appearance, it is a chance to practice self-compassion. It is a moment to become more present. It is a pathway to know ourselves and commune with God.

May we see with eyes to see. ?

With love,


Photo by Lucho Renolfi on Unsplash