The Practice of Relaxing (into)

Have you ever been told to “relax” by someone?

Did this actually make you relax?

In general, I imagine it did not. But, I’ve come to understand that when you tell yourself to relax, the outcome is quite different—it is relieving and empowering.

I’ve been experimenting lately with the idea of “relaxing into” things, as opposed to approaching situations with apprehension, tension, or resistance. Thus, this notion of “relax” is a type of surrender.

In the practice of Unification, we are familiar with our choice to surrender or resist our life situations. Grounded to our Divine Self consciousness, we mainly elect to surrender because doing so begets our healing and change in circumstance. In contrast, resistance often has us repeating similar life stories of our past.

For the most part, we are called to surrender to the conditions of our life that cause us pain.

We surrender to our traumas, bad memories, social conditioning, and so on, to change the limiting beliefs we learned from those experiences and to replace them with new beliefs that support our growth and well-being. In Unification, surrendering is a pathway to freedom, knowing ourselves better, and a gateway to experience God. In the same way, I’m saying we can “relax into” certain aspects of our lives and receive the same benefits of sovereignty and spiritual fulfillment.

The practice is this: relax, respond, and release.

  • Relax into the present, whatever the case may be. Relaxing into the situation eases your ability to accept what is. It relieves tension in the body and lowers the barriers of resistance. Consciously tell yourself to relax, to breath into the process; allow your energy and body to settle gently.
  • Next, respond to your present, whatever the case may be. Ground to your Divine Self consciousness and engage with what is in front of you, responding from a place of centeredness. In this way, your response always leads to your highest good, which is your personal growth.
  • Lastly, release the present, whatever the case may be. Release defining yourself by your present situation. Release any judgement you may have around it. Also, release any attachment to the outcome of your response.

Find that this practice of “relax, respond, and release” creates more acceptance, ease, and contentment in your life.

With less resistance to what is, you can co-create what can come. With detachment to the outcome—you are liberated from self expectations, limitations, and judgments.

Through this practice of relaxing into your present, you dismantle past conditioning—relaxed, you simply behave differently. By responding from a grounded state, you can act in a different way that manifests new possibilities. By releasing all attachments, you free yourself to be in harmony with creation—God’s expanding consciousness.

May we see with eyes to see. ?

With love,


Photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash

The Unification Book Introduction

Dear Seeker,

On April 21, 2017, the Light bodies, angelic beings made of light, asked that I begin this writing project. The Light bodies first appeared to me months before during a meditation with plant medicine; they came to heal me and guide my transformation to Unification – the unity that I now sense between my ego and Divine Self. This book is the culmination of my spiritual experiences and the understandings I gained from my interactions with them, as well as my experiences from my Ayahuasca ceremonies.

My spiritual path has been a windy road and I would describe it to be a kind of hero’s journey. My steady practice of awareness and self-reflection these past 15 years has brought me to the stage where the hero chooses to impart what they learned: there’s a purpose to our trials.

In the last few years, my relationship with God—specifically my Divine Self consciousness, that part of me that is of God—has deepened and this is the work I want to share with you. I do not subscribe to any religion, but the ideas shared in this book can be adopted by anyone from any faith that holds love and compassion for all living things as a way of life.

This book describes a way to have a relationship with God and yourself. There are many paths to God, to self-awareness, and creating a meaningful life – this spiritual path I am sharing with you is one.

This book is as much about self-discovery as it is about connecting to God.

I’ve read many self-help, motivational, and spiritual books. The best ones gave advice—clear and actionable items—that helped bring the knowledge and insight they shared into real change for one’s life. Hence, this book is part wisdom and part workbook. You’ll read spiritual ideas, and then you’ll be given mindful exercises that ask you to reflect on these thoughts, so you can derive your truth from them.

There are many opportunities in the book for you to gather your thoughts and draw your own conclusions. You do not need to agree with the spiritual ideas presented in this book to receive the benefits; your agreement and disagreement to any of the thoughts shared contribute to your overall growth. Your individual experience in reading this book is a reflection of your process; I urge you to listen and trust yourself.

I am here to connect with the truth you feel and already know, and if you aren’t there yet, then I am here to help you discover the answers for yourself. I am here to share a way to deepen your connection to God, particularly, to your Divine Self—that part of you that is of God—so you can create a meaningful human existence. I am here to show you a way to heal yourself so you can be your own salvation. This path is called Unification: Bridging Your Ego and Divine Self Consciousness.

Unification is a spiritual journey that brings you closer to God and enhances your self-awareness. As you read the book, you’ll come across words and phrases that will trigger spiritual downloads; these events support your healing and personal transformation toward Unification.

During these spiritual downloads, you may feel physical, emotional, and Divine sensations. You may receive mental images that help you remember memories and experiences of the past that are being healed, need to be settled, and/or want to be called into your awareness for your understanding. At the same time, you may also hear messages from your ego, Divine Self, and/or spiritual guides that add, concur, and deepen your interpretation and wisdom.

There are also specific points in the book that if you feel called to accept, you can receive these spiritual downloads. You can participate in these transmissions by repeating the following Unification mantras:

  • When you read the passages that begin with, “On the path of Unification,” repeat the transmission mantra: “I am the love of God.” Then, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
  • When you feel a spiritual download coming on, repeat one or all the following transmission mantras: “I am on the path,” “I am unified,” and “I am the love of God.”
  • If at any moment your ego is triggered by fear, pain, and/or refuses to accept the spiritual ideas that your own Divine Self agrees to, then you can say, “I am the love of God,” and this will dispel the resistance.

The Light bodies also gave nine powerful affirmations to perform and if you feel moved to do so, you may accept these gifts of healing and transformation by reciting the prayer. The prayers are found after each chapter; you may repeat the affirmation as often as you like to receive the benefits.

You are called to read this book—to walk the path of Unification—to progress your evolution.

Have a blessed journey.
