Hello Seeker!
Welcome! This website exists to support people on the path of Unification. Most discover this journey by reading my books, Unification: Bridging Your Ego and Divine Self Consciousness or Integration: 111 Affirmations to Unify Your Ego and Divine Self Consciousness. Whether you’ve read the books, or have discovered this space through other means, I welcome you with a grateful heart.
My name is Sureya-Jeanne and I’m a healer, mystic, and author. I offer the information on this website as a self-help educator and ordained minister. I’m not a medical doctor, licensed psychologist, or psychotherapist.
Take the information presented here, and in the books I write, through the compass of your heart. Measure what you read against your own beliefs and sense what rings true. Perhaps some spiritual ideas may seem new or different, I encourage you to trust your heart to tell you what resonates.
My intention with sharing my experiences and insight is to inspire you to seek deeper answers and to have your own experience with God.
If there is only one thing I can impart to anyone, it is this:
You can never lose your way when you follow the path within.
May you remember yourself.
With love,
Follow me on Instagram, TikTok, and Clubhouse @iamsureyajeanne